Great stuff!
What was the name of the song?
Great stuff!
What was the name of the song?
The music is, in fact, from an old spaghetti western called "The Big Gundown" (Laresa dei conti). The track is named "La resa dei conti (seconda caccia)".
Thanks for the encouraging marks.
Overused plot alert
Stick figures are getting old as well as the kill everything in sight plot. But nice animation and pretty kick ass music.
It was okay
Nice work
yeh iknow okay
Good graphics, poor story
The storyline... well there really wasn't one... but it might develop later on. The music got very repetitive though.
Neat concept...
But not that funny and the voice you used got annoying.
Too much action and a boring overdone plot.
blech, oh well everyone with their opinions
Wow this is so horrible
I can barely put this into words it was so horrible. First off, the story itself was stupid and downright wrong. Second, the graphics were good but lacked completely in originality (like most NG submissions now-a-days). One thing I hated the most was the fucking loud sound. We have ears, slick, we don't need to have the sound be as loud as possible. Make something better next time, this bunny thing needs to go.
Graphics were good but everything else lacked.
"I don't discriminate. I hate everyone."
Age 38, Male
Dispose of bodies
Done with it!
Los Angeles, CA
Joined on 8/12/02